• Design Leadership Courses

    Thank you for your interest in my Design Leadership Courses. These are advanced-level courses for senior and rising design leaders ready to address the most common challenges Design Leaders face.


    Included are multiple, moderated Q&A sessions with Kristin and other industry leaders so that you can get expert advice on your unique challenges and aspirations.


    Space is limited to enable and encourage peer learning and sessions are recorded so that you can re-watch them.


    Questions on the courses? Use my contact form, send an email to kristin@kristinskinner.com, or schedule a complimentary 1:1 session.

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    You'll learn how to establish mechanisms, routines, and high-leverage activities that maintain and enhance culture, quality, and community as you grow. Course content:
    • Build and activate high-impact teams
    • Define and optimize your operating system
    • Identify and anticipate the most common team and organizational challenges

    Apply now: Design Leadership at Scale: Operations

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    Career Strategy

    Frameworks, tactics, and approaches we’ve shared in career conversations for years, so you can build a great design leadership career.

    The course is built on practical insights and experiences, offering a hands-on approach to career development. Rachel and Kristin have defined hiring practices for some of the largest global companies and hired thousands of designers; now, they’re bringing the same career coaching and frameworks to this course.


    Apply now: Design Leadership at Scale: Career Strategy